Machines parts & accessories

Machines parts & accessories

Rotary tattoo machines sometimes require the purchase or replacement of some accessories. All of them are available in the Orakon store in the category of Accessories for rotary machines, including:
Silicone caps on the pipes
Silicone anti-shock overlay on the grip
Bar fittings
Coil coils
Iron spring
The Orakon store offers the best rotary tattoo machines on the market. In addition, we offer all the necessary accessories and parts to keep your pen clipper in good condition and make your work even easier. You can easily choose a cartridge, tubes and grips from other categories in the store for the offered machines and complete your set. Specifications of razors, accessories and parts for them are precisely described on the page of each product

Rotary tattoo machine - electronic machine at your fingertips

Rotary tattoo machines are characterized not only by quiet operation, which is incomparable to loud coil machines. Working with such a razor becomes easier and resembles using a marker on a piece of paper. Rotary machines are powered by an electric motor, you can only adjust the voltage in them, but they have a lot of possibilities when it comes to the large stroke of the machine, which reaches up to 5 mm. The maintenance of the rotary machine is simple and does not require a lot of practical knowledge, and our store has all the parts and accessories for the pen machines we sell,

What should you consider when choosing a rotary tattoo machine?

Which rotary tattoo machine to choose depends on your needs and budget. However, remember to choose the right needles for the type of razor:
Cartridge, without the possibility of using classic needles
Rotary machines that can work with both cartridges and classic needles
Machines only for classic needles. Inserting a cartridge in them would put additional strain on the machine or damage it.

Discount:90 %
(€0.44 ) €0.54
Discount:90 %
(€0.44 ) €0.54
Discount:90 %
(€0.44 ) €0.54
Discount:90 %
(€0.44 ) €0.54
Discount:90 %
(€0.44 ) €0.54