Fantom® Cartridge Lite

Fantom® Cartridge Lite

Tattoo cartridges are essential where patterns get complicated and needles need to be replaced frequently. FANTOM NEEDLES® is a brand that has been on the market for 10 years, which is why the quality of their products speaks for itself, and years of practice on the market have won over a large number of loyal customers. Fantom cartridges are simply reliable and excel in the premium class. They are secured with a special 360° membrane around the needle, thanks to which they do not let ink up. Fantom cartridges provide constant pressure during tattooing and reduce the unwanted vibrations of the razor, and their smooth edges eliminate skin injuries. Thanks to this, the client feels less pain, the wound heals faster, and tattooing becomes more pleasant and easier. All cartridges and needles are pre-sterilized with EO gas. You will not find non-sterilized needles and cartridges in our offer!

What are the sizes and types of tattoo needles?

The cartridges have the same markings as the needles in terms of thickness, number of tips and configuration.
Cartridges are most often used in pen-type machines and each cartridge fits any type of razor, in all grip configurations. FANTOM CARTRIDGE® are made on the basis of Fantom needles. The plastic part is made of high-quality plastic known from GRAY GRIPS products.
FantomFX CARTRIDGE® is the second generation of cartridges of this brand, a novelty in them is membrane protection.

Cartridges are available in the following configurations:
XRL - Extra Round Liner
RL - Round Liner
RRL- Regular Round Liner
MRL-Medium Round Liner
RS - Round Shader
MG - Magnum
SEM-Soft Edge Magnum

Fantom cartridges come in different needle lengths;
MT - Medium Taper have a shorter taper, allowing for more ink.
LT - Long Taper have a longer taper, so they irritate the skin less and you can work longer in one place.
XLT - Extra Long Taper, are even longer and adapted to precise tasks.


Needle thicknesses of Fantom cartridges:
0.25 mm, for very detailed lines.
0.30 mm, the ink flow is medium, which makes them the most universal and popular needles
0.35 mm, for shading large areas, thickening.
0.40 mm for fillings.