Rury wielokrotnego użytku

Rury wielokrotnego użytku

Reusable tubes are made of metal, which makes them durable and can be attached to various razors. Pipes available in the Orakon store are made of aluminum or stainless steel. Only the highest quality tattoo products are available at the Orakon store. You will find tattoo machine bows in dozens of configurations and many other products. Fantom reusable pipes are of the highest quality, made of aluminum or stainless steel. All our needles are sterilized, and the accessories have quality approvals, are completely safe and ready for use.

Tattoo Machine Grips How To Choose A Tattoo Grip

Grips are divided according to the type of needles, because the needle is held and stabilized from the beak placed in the grip. Tattoo machine grips must fit well in the hands of the tattoo artist and everyone adjusts them to their needs. They are divided into those for classic needles and cartridges. Cartridge grips do not have to be matched to the type of needle, as they are universal. The opposite is the case with classic needle bars. When buying grips, pay attention to whether they are reusable or disposable. Conventional reusable pipes are made of metal, aluminum, stainless steel, while disposable ones are made of plastic or rubber.

Tattoo bows and tubes - various types of tattoo bows and tubes

Reusable pipes can come in two versions:

With a long tube that extends through the entire grip
With a short beak mounted on one side of the grip.

The diameter of the grips is defined in millimeters from 15 to 40 mm. For small hands, a smaller diameter will be the best, but remember that the larger the diameter, the less the hand gets tired during long work. If you are not sure, we recommend taking a medium grip.

How to choose the right tip for a tattoo needle?

Matching the beaks and grips to the needles is not at all difficult. We distinguish tattoo beaks:

R (Round) for round needles

F (Flat) for flat needles. They can be OF (open) or CF (closed).

D (Diamond) for round needles.

Select a grip with the same marking as the needles used for it.

30mm Black
Extra Grip Aluminium 30mm

Extra Grip Aluminium 30mm

gross: €6.52 *
(net: €5.30 )
Premium Aluminium Grip Black 25mm

Premium Aluminium Grip Black 25mm

gross: €6.52 *
(net: €5.30 )
Premium Aluminium Grip Black 30mm

Premium Aluminium Grip Black 30mm

gross: €6.52 *
(net: €5.30 )
35mm Black
Extra Grip Aluminium 35mm

Extra Grip Aluminium 35mm

gross: €6.52 *
(net: €5.30 )
Stainless steel Grip 25mm

Stainless steel Grip 25mm

gross: €8.70 *
(net: €7.07 )
25mm Black
Extra Grip Aluminium 25mm

Extra Grip Aluminium 25mm

gross: €6.52 *
(net: €5.30 )
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